Каталог товаров линейки «DialyGuard» компании MesaLabs (США)
90XL Meters and Modules
Part Number | Item | Description |
5521106000 | 90 XL Complete Systems | 90XL Display, Condo/Temp, Pressure, and pH Modules plus Accessories & Solutions |
5021106001 | 90 XL Complete Systems | 90XL Display, Condo/Temp, and Pressure Modules plus Accessories |
5021106002 | 90 XL Complete Systems | 90XL Display, Condo/Temp, and Neg-Pressure Modules plus Accessories |
5521106006 | 90 XL Complete Systems | 90XL Display, Condo/Temp, and Pressure Module ( +/-0.8 MIL./MERCURY) plus Accessories |
5021106007 | 90 XL Complete Systems | 90XL Display and 2 Condo/Temp Modules plus Accessories |
350150603 | 90XL Modules | Display Module |
350150600 | 90XL Modules | Conductivity and Temperature Module |
350150602 | 90XL Modules | pH Module with Probe Assembly |
350150601 | 90XL Modules | Standard Pressure Module |
350150605 | 90XL Modules | Pressure Module with +/- 0.8 mmHG at 0-300 mmHG |
90XL Parts and Accessories
Part Number | Item | Description |
201110021 | Display Module Power Adapter | 90XL Power Adapter (Choose Appropriate Blade Below) |
201110025 | Display Module Power Adapter | USA Power Blade |
201110022 | Display Module Power Adapter | Euro Power Blade |
201110023 | Display Module Power Adapter | UK Power Blade |
201110024 | Display Module Power Adapter | Australia Power Blade |
201110026 | Display Module Power Adapter | Chinese Power Blade |
303110075 | Display Module Accessories | Display Module Cover/Holder |
503110024 | Display Module Accessories | IV Pole Connector |
201110003-1 | Carrying Case | 90XL Carrying Case with Cut-outs |
350120002 | Adapters | Negative Pressure Adapter |
91.0031 | Adapters | Pressure Adapter |
350120003 | Adapters | In-Line Adapter |
94.0008 | Adapters | Female Hansen Luer Adapter |
350120005 | 90 XL Module Accessories | Monitoring Line & Stopcock |
91.0011 | 90 XL Module Accessories | Luer Fittings Kit, Package of 3 |
93.0008 | 90 XL Module Accessories | Fittings, Female Luer Coupler, Package of 10 |
201110005 | 90 XL Module Accessories | pH Probe Assembly |
503110017 | 90 XL Module Accessories | Sampling Kit |
503110023 | 90 XL Module Accessories | Transducer Protector |
505110005 | 90 XL Module Accessories | 90XL Accessory Pack |
350110015 | Module Extension Cables | Sensor Module Extension Cable, yellow, 2 meter length |
350110016 | Module Extension Cables | Sensor Module Extension Cable, yellow, 5 meter length |
pHoenix XL Meters and Modules
Part Number | Item | Description |
36-00185 | pHoenix XL | 3 pHoenix XL Meters and Modules plus Super Station with Buffer and Standard Solutions |
36-00175 | pHoenix XL | 3 pHoenix XL Meters and Modules plus TriStation with Buffer and Standard Solutions |
36-00180 | pHoenix XL | pHoenix XL Meter and Module plus Buffer and Standard Solutions |
36-00300 | pHoenix XL | pHoenix XL Meter and Module |
36-00310 | pHoenix XL | pHoenix XL Module |
Syringe Meter Accessories
Part Number | Item | Description |
93.0006 | Sampling Tubes and Accessories | Sampling Tube, Package of 10 |
93.0007 | Sampling Tubes and Accessories | 3" Male-Female Luer Adapter, Package of 10 |
36-00130 | Sampling Tubes and Accessories | 10" Male-Female Luer Adapter, Package of 10 |
94-0013 | Sampling Tubes and Accessories | Male-Male Luer Adapter, Package of 10 |
93.0003 | Sampling Tubes and Accessories | Male Slip Luer Adapter, Package of 20 |
98-0021 | Sampling Tubes and Accessories | Sample Collection Cup Assembly, Package of 4 |
36-00150 | pHoenix XL Meter Accessories | pHoenix XL Battery and 3 battery door screws |
210427-001 | pHoenix XL Meter Accessories | pHoenix XL Battery |
36-00131 | pHoenix XL Meter Accessories | pHoenix XL Care Package - Includes User Guide, Wall Chart and Accessory Pack |
94-0024 | pHoenix XL Meter Accessories | pHoenix XL Meter Holder |
93-0015 | Common Meter Accessories | Control Syringe, Package of 2 |
93.0002 | Common Meter Accessories | Calibration Labels, Package of 500 |
93-0022 | Common Meter Accessories | Cap, Anti-drying, Package of 20 |
98.0010 | Legacy pHoenix Meter Accessories | Port Assembly (for pHoenix Meters Rev. K and later), Package of 2 |
07.100051 | Legacy pHoenix Meter Accessories | Battery, 9V, Alkaline, Energizer, 522VP |
Care and Calibration Stations
Part Number | Item | Description |
04-0026 | Calibration Stations | Super Station Assembly (9 bottle unit) plus pHoenix XL Accessories |
04-0025 | Calibration Stations | Super Station Assembly (9 bottle unit) |
04-0022 | Calibration Stations | Rinse Station (3 bottle unit) |
04-0023 | Calibration Stations | Cal-Station (4 bottle unit) |
04-0024 | Calibration Stations | Mini Station Assembly (5 bottle unit) |
04-0016 | Calibration Stations | Single Station Assembly |
94.0010 | Calibration Station Replacement Parts | Replacement Tubing Kit |
94-0018 | Calibration Station Replacement Parts | Replacement Cap Assembly, Quart or Pint size, Package of 5 |
94-0009 | Calibration Station Replacement Parts | Replacement Bottle, 1 qt. (includes modified cap), Package of 2 |
94-0016 | Calibration Station Replacement Parts | Replacement Bottle, 1 pt. (includes modified cap), Package of 2 |
94-0007 | Calibration Station Replacement Parts | Vinyl Bottle Label Pack, 2 RO Labels, 2 Bleach Labels, & 2 Disinfectant Labels |
94.0003 | Calibration Station Replacement Parts | Dual Check Valve, Package of 10 |
93.0007 | Calibration Station Accessories | 3" Male-Female Luer Adapter, Package of 10 |
94-0013 | Calibration Station Accessories | Male-Male Luer Adapter, Package of 10 |
94.0008 | Calibration Station Accessories | Female Hansen-Female Luer Adapter, Package of 3 |
93.0005 | Calibration Station Accessories | Syringe and Sampling Tube, Assembly |
94.0005 | Calibration Station Accessories | Laminated Color Wall Chart |
02-0029 | Calibration Station Accessories | Cell Cleaning Kit |
Single Solutions
Part Number | Item | Description |
02.0045 | Conductivity / TDS Calibrator Solutions | 150.0 uS/cm 1 Pint, 16 oz (71ppm) |
02.0037 | Conductivity / TDS Calibrator Solutions | 1.0 mS/cm 1 Pint, 16 oz (490ppm) |
02.0071 | Conductivity / TDS Calibrator Solutions | 50.0 mS/cm 1 Pint, 16 oz (71ppm) |
02.0036 | Conductivity / TDS Calibrator Solutions | 100 mS/cm 1 Pint, 16 oz |
02.0016 | Conductivity / TDS Calibrator Solutions | 13.4 mS/cm 1 Pint, 16 oz |
02.0014 | Conductivity / TDS Calibrator Solutions | 14.0 mS/cm 1 Pint, 16 oz (7865ppm) |
02.0027 | Conductivity / TDS Calibrator Solutions | 14.0 mS/cm 1 Quart, 32 oz (7865ppm) |
02.0062 | Combo Solution (Conductiviety + Buffer) | 14.0 mS/cm and 7.00 pH 1 Pint, 16 oz |
02.0070 | Combo Solution (Conductiviety + Buffer) | 14.0 mS/cm and 7.00 pH 1 Quart, 32 oz |
02.0032 | pH Buffer Solution | 4.00 pH 1 Pint, 16 oz |
02.0030 | pH Buffer Solution | 7.00 pH 1 Pint, 16 oz |
02.0031 | pH Buffer Solution | 7.00 pH 1 Quart, 32 oz |
02.0034 | pH Buffer Solution | 10.00 pH 1 Pint, 16 oz |
02.0013 | NEO-CARE Cell Cleaning Solution | 1 Pint, 16 oz |
02.0028 | NEO-CARE Cell Cleaning Solution | 1 Quart, 32 oz |
02.0003 | NEO-CARE Cell Cleaning Solution | 1 Gallon, 128 oz |
02.0073 | TDS Solution | 15ppm 23.8uS/cm 1Qt |
02.0074 | TDS Solution | 150ppm 229uS/cm 1Qt |
02.0075 | TDS Solution | 1500ppm 2060uS/cm 1Qt |
Bulk Solutions
Part Number | Item | Description |
02.0800 | Conductivity / TDS Calibrator Solutions | 150.0 uS/cm 1 Pint, 16 oz (71ppm), Package of 12 |
02.0600 | Conductivity / TDS Calibrator Solutions | 1.0 mS/cm 1 Pint, 16 oz (490ppm), Package of 12 |
02.0700 | Conductivity / TDS Calibrator Solutions | 100 mS/cm 1 Pint, 16 oz, Package of 12 |
02.0500 | Conductivity / TDS Calibrator Solutions | 14.0 mS/cm 1 Pint, 16 oz (7865ppm), Package of 12 |
02.0510 | Conductivity / TDS Calibrator Solutions | 14.0 mS/cm 1 Quart, 32 oz (7865ppm), Package of 6 |
02.1000 | Combo Solution (Conductiviety + Buffer) | 14.0 mS/cm and 7.00 pH 1 Pint, 16 oz, Package of 12 |
02.0900 | Combo Solution (Conductiviety + Buffer) | 14.0 mS/cm and 7.00 pH 1 Quart, 32 oz, Package of 6 |
02.0300 | pH Buffer Solution | 4.00 pH 1 Pint, 16 oz, Package of 12 |
02.0200 | pH Buffer Solution | 7.00 pH 1 Pint, 16 oz, Package of 12 |
02.0400 | pH Buffer Solution | 10.00 pH 1 Pint, 16 oz, Package of 12 |
02.0210 | pH Buffer Solution | 7.00 pH 1 Quart, 32 oz, Package of 6 |
02.0100 | NEO-CARE Cell Cleaning Solution | 1 Pint, 16 oz, Package of 12 |
02.0110 | NEO-CARE Cell Cleaning Solution | 1 Quart, 32 oz, Package of 6 |
02.0079 | TDS Solution | 15ppm 23.8uS/cm 1 Quart, 6PK |
02.0080 | TDS Solution | 150ppm 229uS/cm 1 Quart, 6PK |
02.0081 | TDS Solution | 1500ppm 2060uS/cm 1Quart, 6PK |
Meter Calibration Service and Repair
(Fixed price and includes all parts for repairs related to normal wear and tear, service and calibration.)
Part Number | Item | Description |
/AF XL CONDO | 90 XL Calibration and Repair | As-Found 90XL Condo Module |
/AF XL PRESSURE | 90 XL Calibration and Repair | As-Found 90XL Pressure Module |
/AUT03 | 90 XL Calibration and Repair | 90XL Display Module Repair |
/AUT09 | 90 XL Calibration and Repair | Condo/Temp Module Calibration and Repair |
/AUTO10 | 90 XL Calibration and Repair | Pressure Module Calibration and Repair |
/AUTO11 | 90 XL Calibration and Repair | pH Module Calibration and Repair (pH Probe is Required) |
/AUT04 | Legacy Meter Calibration and Repair | NeoStat Calibration and Repair |
/AUT05 | Legacy Meter Calibration and Repair | pHoenix Calibration and Repair |
/AUT07 | Legacy Meter Calibration and Repair | Hydra Calibration and Repair |
Meter Rental
Part Number | Item | Description |
/399999-121 | 90XL Modules | 90XL Display Module Rental |
/399999-122 | 90XL Modules | 90XL Condo/Temp Module Rental |
/399999-123 | 90XL Modules | 90XL Pressure Module Rental |
/399999-124 | 90XL Modules | 90XL pH Module Rental |
/399999-115 | Legacy Meter Rental | pHoenix Rental |
Перечень продукции DialyGuard